The house is over 10,000 square feet, has 10 large bedrooms and 2 porches extending the entire length of the house! Getting this house has been no easy feat - it's taken a lot of prayer, a lot of planning and a whole lot of faith. We've signed a four year lease and are using it as an event space the first year and are living in it the remaining three years.
Being a young (and when I say young, I mean YOUNG) sorority we've found it difficult to find a house and a space to fit the needs of our group. However, because God is so good, he's opened up an amazing opportunity for us!
Saturday was the first "work day" at the house and we spent the day hanging composites and cleaning the kitchen. The sorority that had the house before us went bankrupt while trying to stock and build the house and completely abandoned ship. As great as that is for us, it means a lot of work trying to organize and get things together! We had 7 or 8 alums and their parents stop by throughout the day to bring tools, help clean or come and visit! We made A LOT of progress too! Here's a look at the house!
the amazing porch!
of course I made my sister help out :)
I will continue to keep you updated on what happens with our house! The girls are starting to come back to school and I can't wait to see what happens in the coming months!
I'm loving all the pictures. I feel horrible that I keep having things come up during your workdays/meetings. See you next week!