Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Then and Now ...

As I may have mentioned before, I grew up on my grandparents' ranch, doing all sorts of ranch things - riding mules, playing with sheep and driving the tractor.  As you can tell from the following picture, I have always been one with fashion sense and took my role on the farm seriously.
My grandpa always promised me that he'd find me a good cowboy to fall in love with - someone who would treat me right.  For my 9th or 10th birthday, my grandparents bought me a cow (maybe with the hope that I would surround myself with those cowboys and fall in love at a young age?).  Now most of you are probably wondering why my grandparents would get me a cow ... that is a very valid question.  However, where I am from, 4-H is like air or water.  Okay, that may have been a slight exaggeration, but seriously, so many people do 4-H or FFA.  Whether it's showing sheep, cows, horses, pigs, etc. weekends and summers are spent at the fair or at shows;  instead of eating the different kinds of food and riding rides, our time is spent in the barns manicuring our show animal of choice and hanging out with the other 4-H kids.  
This is me showing a cow.  Her name was Kitty and we had just won first place in our show :) No, she does not have a flower tattoo.  My mom decided to scrapbook this lovely moment and this is one of the only pictures I have left from the critical time period in my life.

Will continue this post soon - off to dinner with the sorority sisters!
xoxo Kiley

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